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New Site Clean-Up and Spring Council Cancelled

Announcement from the Office of the Aeldorman:

Greetings all. With the advancing directives that our various levels of governing bodies are putting forth, it will be required that, in addition to cancelling the Frithstow Event on March 21st, we will EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY BE CANCELLING / POSTPONING INDEFINITELY our New Site - Spring Council Meeting Event that was scheduled for March 28th in all facets.

I have been in contact with the Site Manager who along with the Wittan believes that, with the President's new guidelines to avoid groups of more than 10, that it would not be safe or practical to proceed with our gathering. While we were considering cancelling just the Council (as we feel it would irresponsible to hold a required attendance meeting right now), but will instead move forward with a total event cancellation instead, in the interest of everyone's health and safety.

John Blevins Sir Garet will continue to serve actively as Bocman during this difficult time. The Spring Council has very little official business that needed immediate action, and is quite simply not worth risking anyone's well being over. The event cancellation will not cost us anything as far as our funds go. As always, I am available if you need to reach out to me. Please share this within your respective group communication networks. Thank you.

Todd Minetti Sir Kenneth if Brunswick Aeldorman of Markland

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